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Ready to elevate your HR career this year? 


Start with a commitment to trust as your guiding principle. Establish yourself as a beacon of trustworthiness in your organisation! 

According to Amy Mencarelli, PHR, MBA's recent post, the profile of an Excellent HR Professional is 

15% Knowledge ➡ Laws, policies, best practices

20% Wisdom ➡ Navigating grey areas and situations

20% Heart ➡ Care, honesty, Empathy, grit, Transparency

45% Follow Through ➡ Say what you'll do, do what you say

As you see, the most significant part is following through - this is the best way to show others your capabilities and to build trust.

Be the one who walks the talk. Let others see the consistency between what you say and what you do. Leading by example is a powerful thing.

I believe we can also build this trust by..

🍀 Being more transparent in our communication. Share the 'whys' behind decisions to help everyone understand the bigger picture.

🍀 Committing to privacy. Every conversation, every detail, every sensitive piece of information shared with us is a sacred trust. Use it wisely.

🍀 Dedicating to truly understanding the needs and aspirations of others. Use empathy and active listening as an essential tool. Listen actively and respond with solutions that show you care.

It's the perfect time to reflect on our practices and recommit to excellence in our roles. Building trust isn't an overnight task, but it's certainly achievable with consistent effort.

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