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Creating an Onboarding Plan to elevate the employee experience

During my HR career, I have often experienced that a company was aware of the importance of onboarding in theory, but in reality, they could not implement it well.

The onboarding process is rather like your "first date". You want to make a good impression, ensure they're comfortable, and get things off to a sparkling start. 

Let me show you why:

 The importance of onboarding

 Onboarding is an essential piece of the employment puzzle.  But why is it super important?

🧩 First impressions count:

Onboarding shapes a new joiner's first impression of your company. You've set the stage for a positive work relationship if it's smooth, informative, and welcoming.

🧩 Retention rates:

Replacing employees is time-consuming and pricey. A good onboarding process increases employee retention. 

When new hires feel valued and understand their role from day one, they're more likely to stick around.

🧩 Faster time to productivity:

We all want our new joiners to hit the ground running, right? A structured onboarding plan shortens the time to become fully productive team members. Think of it like giving them a map and a compass rather than letting them wander around aimlessly.

🧩 Encourage open communication:

A solid onboarding process establishes open lines of communication from the start. When new employees know whom to approach with questions or concerns, it fosters an environment of transparency and trust.

🧩 Culture integration:

Every company has its own set of quirks and unique culture. Onboarding introduces the newcomers to this culture, ensuring they understand company values, ethics, and expectations.

🧩 Boost morale and engagement:

Employees who undergo a thorough onboarding process feel more confident in their roles. This confidence translates to higher job satisfaction, better performance, and greater engagement with the company's objectives.

🧩 Consistency:

Everyone being on the same page is essential, especially in larger organisations. Onboarding ensures every employee receives the same foundational knowledge about the company, creating a consistent understanding across the board.

🧩 Future growth and success:

When employees are onboarded correctly, they contribute more effectively to their immediate roles and grow into future leaders who understand the company inside out. 

The roadblocks

However, the theory is often complicated by practice.

What are the difficulties of implementing a good onboarding program?

Here are some common challenges and barriers:

❌ Lack of management support

❌ Consider it as a solely HR task

❌ Poorly defined roles and expectations

❌ Lack of clarity on the goals and objectives

❌ Insufficient resources (staff or inadequate training materials)

❌ Overwhelming information

❌ Lack of personalisation

❌ Not addressing company culture ( = focusing only on functional tasks)

❌ No feedback mechanisms for later adjustments

❌ Lack of mentorship or buddy systems

❌ Not leveraging technology

❌ Poorly defined roles and expectations

❌ Lack of follow-up


This is not just an HR task; therefore, the primary step in developing the onboarding program is to involve the partner departments in thinking and developing the program. Good content can be produced based on the information and needs of these departments.

The support of the management is also essential, and if everyone understands its importance and feels its financial impact, more emphasis will be placed on implementation!


Creating the onboarding program

Okay, let's see what is needed for a well-functioning and useful onboarding program.

As mentioned before, an effective onboarding program is crucial for integrating new hires into your company culture, speeding up their productivity, and boosting their retention rates. 


⚠️ Define objectives:

  • Identify what you want to achieve with the onboarding program. 

⚠️ Gather stakeholder input:

  • Collaborate with managers, team leads, and even some tenured employees. Understand what they believe a new hire should know or be able to do after onboarding.

⚠️ Decide the time frame:

  • Determine how long the onboarding process should last. This can range from a few days to several months, depending on the complexity of roles and company size. The 90-day onboarding program was the most useful at the companies where I worked.

⚠️ Design the program:

  • Content: Decide on the topics that need to be covered. These could include company history, vision & mission, policies, role-specific training, etc.

  • Format: Consider varied formats like presentations, videos, workshops, hands-on training, and mentoring sessions.

  • Schedule: Plan a tentative schedule so new hires know what to expect.

  • Digital options: For remote employees or those who prefer digital mediums, consider creating online training modules or utilising platforms designed for onboarding.

⚠️ Incorporate feedback mechanisms:

  • Regularly collect feedback from new hires about the onboarding process. This can help identify gaps or areas of improvement.

⚠️ Ensure Compliance:

  • If there are any legal or compliance-related aspects the new hire needs to be aware of, ensure they're included in the onboarding program.


The structure and essential elements of the onboarding program

Before joining

Remember that employee experience starts before the actual contract start date!

·      Prepare the employment contract and schedule an appointment with the new joiner to sign various documents.

·      Make a "Welcome Package" ready. This can contain anything that can help the newcomer on their first days, like a notebook, pen, or branded gifts.

·      Prepare a temporary access card if you need one to enter the office.

·      Schedule the new joiner's pre-employment medical exam (if applicable) and any necessary safety training.

·      Create a detailed schedule, including introductions, training, and meetings.

·      Organise a team lunch for the first day.

·      Prepare the workstation for the new joiner.

·      Ensure office tools & stationery are available.


Activities for engagement:

·      Send a welcome email to the Newcomer

·      Notify the supervisor and buddies of the start date.

·      Coordinate with IT to create an account

·      Send a comprehensive 'First Day Info' email with relevant details.

·      Inform related teams about the upcoming training schedule.


Day 1

Induction activities:

·      Personally welcome the new joiner.

·      Give out a welcome bag.

·      Capture the new joiner’s photo for official documentation.

·      Share the company's policies with the new joiner.

·      Send an introductory email about the new joiner to the entire office.

·      Conduct an HR induction and share the employee handbook.


Activities for engagement:

·      Personally greet the new joiners and introduce them to co-workers and the office space.

·      Provide an office tour, highlighting important areas.

·      Introduce the new joiner to their orientation buddy.


Additional HR tasks:

·      Update the organisation chart.

·      Ensure the new joiner has all the necessary IT tools.


Day 1-3

This period includes a series of inductions, orientations, and engagement activities such as understanding company policies, performance management, medical examinations, getting to know the company better, and understanding one's role and responsibilities.


Week 1

This week includes more specific engagements like lunch with colleagues, understanding one's job description, understanding department priorities, understanding the organisational chart, and familiarising oneself with various systems.

Week 1-5

This phase primarily includes job-specific training and meetings with department managers to understand the business better.

Week 6 to 12

This critical period involves evaluation of the new joiner's probation period, goal setting, professional development planning, and continuous training. It culminates at the end of the probation period, where decisions regarding the new joiner’s long-term role are made.

By adhering to this onboarding guide, you can ensure a smooth transition for new employees, helping them acclimate to the company culture, understand their roles, and feel valued right from day one.

In summary

Creating a stellar onboarding experience isn't rocket science. It's about making the new person feel valued, integrated, and informed.

After all, the beginnings are often the most memorable parts, aren't they?

What other important step or element would you add?

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